Patch Notes Patch notes for Version 0.1.8


Staff member
Game Master
Dec 31, 2023
Reaction score
Patch notes 23rd July 2023 for Version 0.1.8

If you played this server before this patch, you must download the complete new game client from our website:

Quality of life changes:
- Rework all quest exp for all quest types (except repeatable quests) so quest exp is alot more fair and rewarding and now a viable secondary levling option than just doing f7.
- Fixed the window mode in the game so text dont are not "blurry" or is tearing anymore.
- Adjusted F7 so it has 10 seconds per rounds instead of 60
- Added new Default Emojis for #13-#24
- Adjusted the Screenshot folder name in Documents to "Dragonica Spidpex Screenshots" to easier know that screenshots ingame appear there.
- Added lv 50,60,70,80 potions at Daisy NPC among other NPC's
- Added soulcraft stones to the NPC for gold
- Added ranking button under the discord ui button
- Made the Stop Lavalon Quest into a repeatable quest
- Added Arkas OLD staff for gold at Crispin NPC
- Added Enchant stones to the NPC
- Changed the big wheel item rates for all the items to be equall! No more rigged bigwheel!
- Added a New Background
- Added New Startup Text (more clear)
- Added a new channel selection Background
- Decreased Elga Medal cost down to 100g
- Guild quest gives 10% more guild exp now per quest!
- Changed devil soulstone stack limit from 250 > 999
- Miracle Machine renamed to Gada coin Shop
- Added gada coins in every chest variant unlocked by every treasure key.
- Reworked every single [Hero] Black Dragon Lord Set's stats. They are now a lv 85 set (endgame set) and have an extra requirement to be obtained by being exchanged for an addiitonal 500 gada coin and 1 bloddy crystal per equipment piece ontop of its current miscs it has alwasy been exchanged for at the black claw nest outpost npc Mukapa.
Full list of reworked sets with their new stats:
- Added a Brand New patcher to the server
- Added a discord button at the minimap so people can click to directly join our discord
- Added a Player Ranking Button on the website that redirects you to the level, gold and guild ranking on the website
- Reworked the Pve and PvP job change quests. Now there is no pvp job change quest, but rather 2 variants of PvE quest. I wont spoil it yet, but its alot better!
- Seal the traces 3rd job change quest was nerfed

Bug fixes:
- Fixed the Dex icon > Agi
- Fixed the Con icon > hlt icon
- Added set values to lucifer, angel and Devil cash shop set
- Added gada coin for devil soul stone at libra
- Fixed over 100 quest text errors
- Fixed the not fully connected stair in Water Temple, so u cant accidently fall from it anymore
- Fixed the windia race not starting (Experimental fix)
- Fixed the 2 buggy monster thats under the floor in tutu forest
- Fixed alot of text spelling errors at NPC dialogues
- Fixed description for balloons with the special chat fonts
- Fix various typos and spelling errors in the Cash Shop such as "Die" and "teleport and warp card not unlimited
- Changed over 30 spelling errors in skill descriptions
- Fixed over 500 item name missing texts for bone/secma/Galaxia and black dragon lord set names. (original bug in original dragonica)
- Add egg icons for the pets in the cash shop

Quests that has been changed:
- Disabled "Achivement Award" quest as its nearly impossible to do
- Disabled the do pvp 1 time quest in pine cone hills
- Welcome to Funga! The Fungoid Village! (4) nerfed to only 25 zards
- Welcome to Funga! The Fungoid Village! (6) nerfed to only 10 monsters of each type
- nerfed Unexpected enemy quest (1) nerfed to 15 monsters
- Nerfed Unexpected enemy quest (2) nerfed to 15 monsters
- Relationship of Animosity quest nerfed to 20 monsters
- Make Dony's 701th request nerfed to 1 monster require only 1 monster kill

Additions to the cash shop:
- Added the missing hairstyles
- Added the missing faces
- Added the missing hair colors
- Added more cash shop weapons for humans in the cash shop
- Changed the cash shop category name > Expanders > Expansions
- Changed the Description for Face/Back items to accessories
- Changed the text in Teleport and party warp card to [Unlimited] (as they can be used unlimited times)
- Added baheko to the cash shop
- Added lolipop gloves to the cash shop
- Added soulcraft stones to the cash shop
- Added enchant stones to the cash shop
- Added Monster Insurance scrolls in the cash shop
- Added the new pack of "Meme Emojis" in the cash shop (24 New Emojis)
- Fixed the Grey Edged wallpaper 100 quantity bug
- Added many more Pets to the Cash Shop
- Added 5 more chat effect balloons in the big wheel (below)
- Added the missing faces to the cash shop
- Added the missing hair colors
- Added more cash shop weapons for humans in the cash shop
- Fixed the pet eggs icons
- Added Rose for you for Drakans and Humans
- Added Eye patch for Drakans and Humans
- Added a new Pack of 24 emojis to the cash shop

Additions to the Gada Shop: (Vending Machine was renamed to Gada Shop)
- Added Armor powders to the gada shop
- Added Weapon powders to the gada shop
- Added Fatigue potion to the gada shop
- Added Woodie Hat to the Vending machine
- Added Woodie Balloon to the vending machine
- Added woodie Pet egg to the vending machine
- Added Woodie Chair to the vending machine
- Added Monster radar to gada shop
- Added Angel Feathers in the gada shop

Balance Changes:

- Nation Fury can now only be upgraded once
- Lowered snare shot max lvl from 5 to level 3 (meaning it no longer shoots that extra bullet, thereby not as fast and as much dps)
- Snare shot no longer automaticly auto aims towards players or monsters
- Smart Shot now has a 50 minute Online Duration

- Diffusion Cannon skill range on no chain combo decreased by 30%.
- Diffusion Cannon Chain Combo skill Range decreased by 30%
- Diffusion Cannon damage decreased by 20% (on chain combo)
- Diffusion Cannon attack speed bonus Removed.
- Diffusion Cannon can now only be upgraded to level 2
- Staff Mastery can now only be upgraded to level 1
- Increased Online duration of Diffusion Cannon to 50 minutes
- Increased Online Duration of Double shot to 50 minutes

Twin Fighter:
- Power weaving does now have the cooldown lv 1 20 sec > and 2 seconds lower cooldown per level
- Definite Defence Online time has been decreased from 2.5 seconds to just 1 second
- Ghost fighter Skill cooldown increased from 9 seconds to 24 seconds at level 1 and is decreased by 1 second per skill level.
- Ghost fighter skill cast time increased from 1 second to 3 seconds. The skill cast time is decreased by 0.3% per skill level 1-5. At lv 6-10 its 0.05% per level.
- Rebound skill has been disabled in PvP
- Power Fist now stuns maximum 3 enemies at level 5.
- Power fist Skill Cooldown has been increased to 18 secs for level 1 and 1 sec less per level up to lv 10.
- Power Fist stun duration on hit has been decreased from 4 to 1 second. From level 1 Its 1 second stun, and for every level to 5 the stun duration increases by 0.1 second.

- Sniping damage decreased by 25%
- Sniping skill cooldown increased by 8 seconds per level, and decreased by 1 second per level upgraded.

Website bug fixes/Changes:
- Ranking has been added! for Top 30 highest lvl, Richest and Top level guilds!
- Borders around News text are removed
- There is now a Dragonica cursor on the website
- Fixed the big headline text for each news which overlaps the images
- Minor Text spelling errors and images edited
- New Text and Image on embeded URLS.
- The "i accept terms of service button" has been made bigger and more vissible!
- Added a news page where u can view all news from diffrent dates in such as this:
- Adjusted a better preview text when sending links
- Adjusted so that preview links of the website will now show with image too.
- Added Buttons for our social media(s) on the website.
